Via Transilvanica

Ziua Bună! On May 18 we are cleaning Via Transilvanica
Ziua Bună! On May 18 we are cleaning Via Transilvanica

On May 18, we are preparing the warm hiking season with a day of general mobilization in which the schools on Via Transilvanica, the adoptive parents of km, NGOs, groups of friends, families, hikers, town halls will go on the trail and clean it! Anyone who wants to participate is welcome and can register at [email protected].

Via Transilvanica app was updated!
Via Transilvanica app was updated!

Download or update the VT app so you can cross the route safely. Available for IOS and Android, use the app for maps, the Hikers Guide or to report from the trail.

From April 18, the movie Oamenii Drumului: Terra Banatica is online
From April 18, the movie Oamenii Drumului: Terra Banatica is online

The long-awaited moment has arrived: the premiere date of the movie People of the Road: Terra Banatica is April 18, 2024 on our YouTube channel at 20:00.

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GOOD DAY and let's take care of Via Transilvanica!
GOOD DAY and let's take care of Via Transilvanica!

The Good Day! Day of Little Volunteers project is taking on a new form and image, updating and growing! From today, the 7th edition of GD!LDV becomes Good Day on Via Transilvanica.

Sign-up for Via Transilvanica Maraton 2024!
Sign-up for Via Transilvanica Maraton 2024!

Runners from all over the country, unite in thoughts and feelings! Start dreaming of an unforgettable day already.
The third edition of the Via Transilvanica Marathon is knocking on the door.

Registration at

2023 Aftermovie!

About Via Transilvanica

Via Transilvanica, the "road that unites", is a 1,400 kilometer long distance trail, a tourist route that crosses Romania diagonally from Putna to Drobeta Turnu Severin. It's designed for hiking, cycling and horse riding. Via Transilvanica is marked with painted markers, signposts and at every kilometer, there is an individually carved andesite stone, therefore all these milestones can probably become the longest art gallery in the world, which accompanies travelers along the way.

The trail crosses ten counties (administrative units of the country): Suceava, Bistrița-Năsăud, Mureș, Harghita, Sibiu, Brașov, Alba, Hunedoara, Caraș-Severin and Mehedinți and is divided into seven cultural-historical regions: Bucovina, Highlands, Terra Siculorum, Terra Saxonum, Terra Dacica, Terra Banatica, Terra Romana. In total, Via Transilvanica crosses 107 administrative-territorial units in Romania, and highlights the natural and cultural heritage of each region.

Via Transilvanica is a long-distance trail inspired by the history of other such trails in Europe, North America and beyond. But above all, it is a social project, so the focus is on the community. The project aims to bring to light places in the country, seemingly forgotten by the world and largely depopulated due to economic limitations, and bring them to life. This revival is due to the backpackers who, after a long day on the trails, expect a minimum of hospitality and at least one welcoming face to share stories with. This is what the road that unites is all about.

Logo Banca Transilvania
Strategic partner

Our recommendation before starting to hike the VT trail

1. Download the guide, find out what hiking on Via Transilvanica is all about!
1. Download the guide, find out what hiking on Via Transilvanica is all about!
2. See which region or maybe regions you want to discover
2. See which region or maybe regions you want to discover
3. Prepare your itinerary
3. Prepare your itinerary
4. Prepare your backpack
4. Prepare your backpack
5. Download the gpx tracks and upload them to an app on your phone
5. Download the gpx tracks and upload them to an app on your phone
6. Safe travels!
6. Safe travels!

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Contribute to the maintenance and development of the Via Transilvanica path, through a simple or recurring donation!

Redirect 3,5%
Redirect 3,5% from taxes to Tășuleasa Social Association, the founder and the one that takes care of Via Transilvanica! [for people working in Romania only].
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